Virus သတ္ရာမွာ အစြမ္းထက္တဲ့ Smadav 2013 v9.3.1 Full

Smadav ဆိုတဲ့ Antivirus Software ကို Indonesia က ထုတ္လုပ္တာပါ.. Windows ကေတာ့သူ႔ကို Antivirus လို႔ေတာင္သတ္မွတ္ဘဲ သာမန္ Software တစ္ခုအျဖစ္သာ သတ္မွတ္တာပါ.. ဖိုင္ဆိုဒ္ကလည္း 697 kb ေလးပဲရွိတယ္.. ဒါေပမယ့္ အျခား နာမည္ႀကီး Antivirus လို ဒီ Smadav ေလးက သိပ္စြမ္းပါတယ္.. ကၽြန္ေတာ္ အရင္ကလည္း သံုးဖူးပါတယ္.. .. အခု 2013 ခုႏွစ္ ၊ May 8 ရက္ေန႔ကထြက္လာတဲ့ ဗားရွင္း 9.3.1 ျဖစ္ပါတယ္.. Full Version ပါ...
Key Feature Of Smadav
1) additional protection for your computer, 100% compatible with other antivirus!
Most antivirus software can not be installed with other antivirus, it is because the antivirus is designed for primary protection on your computer. Unlike the SmadAV, is a type of antivirus SmadAV are designed as additional protection, so 100% compatible and can work well although there has been another antivirus on your computer, in this case SmadAV serves as a second line of defense. SmadAV has its own way (behavior, heuristic, and whitelisting) in detecting and cleaning viruses that will further enhance the security on your computer. Because the resource usage is very small SmadAV, SmadAV will not increase your computer's performance under heavy use. So, with a mix between SmadAV and antivirus protection that is installed on your computer will further strengthen the defense of your computer from virus infection.
2) Best USB Antivirus (Total Protection USB stick)
USB stick is one of the largest media spread of the virus in Indonesia. SmadAV have special technology for total prevention of virus that spreads via USB stick. SmadAV mission is 100% no virus infection of the flash. SmadAV have enough signatures of viruses that infect the flash, and has the special ability to detect new viruses in pendrive although not in the database SmadAV. Not only prevention, Smadav also able to clean up a virus that infects and restore virus hidden files on the USB stick
3) Best for offline use (no need to update too often)
SmadAV very well be used for computers that rarely or even not connected to the internet. SmadAV do not need to update as often as other antivirus that usually do updates per week and even per day. SmadAV usually do updates only once a month (monthly). SmadAV not overly dependent on the signature / virus database, but much depends on the behavior detection techniques, heuristic, and whitelisting.
4) Cleaner and tools to clean the virus
SmadAV also able to clean the virus that has infected your computer and repair registry altered by the virus. Other antivirus usually not done cleaning the registry so that the computer has not returned to normal after cleaning the antivirus. Many supporting tools that are included in SmadAV as a weapon for cleaning the virus. Note: Not all types of viruses can be cleaned SmadAV, SmadAV is still not able to clean the virus type or types of rootkits penginfeksi program (eg virus Ramnit, Sality, Alman, Virut, etc..) Because this strain has blown most of your program files . Our focus at this time is due to the type of virus clearance in addition to the two types (eg: virus WormShortcut, Cervical, MSO, Brontok, etc..)
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